TNT launches comprehensive program to cut CO2 emissions
TNT’s Chief executive officer Peter Bakker launched TNT’s strategy to improve transparency on the company’s carbon footprint, to drastically reduce CO2 emissions from the company’s operations and to stimulate its 159,000 employees to do the same in their private lives. TNT’s program is called “Planet Me”.
Firstly, TNT is installing a certified system to measure, report and manage its CO2 emissions. Secondly, the company is implementing CO2 reduction initiatives in its eight most important operational areas: aviation, buildings, business travel, company cars, partnering with customers, operational fleet, procurement, and investments. Thirdly, the program stimulates employees to use less energy at home and on the road. Their personal contribution to TNT’s partnership with the United Nations World Food Program has demonstrated how powerful such participation can be.
“There is a strong business case for Planet Me. Customers, governments, our employees and also the general public increasingly looks at how companies respond to global warming. As a leader in our industry we feel a responsibility to pro-actively address this”, TNT’s chief executive officer Peter Bakker said. “For TNT the challenge of reducing CO2 emissions is tremendous. Low-carbon technologies for transport are just not available or too costly to implement. Despite these challenges this announcement is the start of our quest to become the first zero emissions express and mail company in the world”.