Dutch DM Barometer: 50% of budget to Internet

In line with earlier forecasts this year Dutch budgets for SM activities will increase this 4th quarter of 2007.

The DM barometer of Adforesult and Mailmedia foresees an increase of 14%.

Biggest increase is Internet: almost half of the budget is expended in that area.
In the use of communication channels is hardly anny difference with respect to the target group.

As well to clients as to target group internet (own website, e-mail, search engine, banners, buttons) is the leading channel ith 50% of exopenditures.

Concerning the effects of e-activities 36% of e-newsletters sent to own addresses are opened and 26% clicked.

There is significant difference if an e-mail is sent to own of thrid parties lists:
1/3 is opened in the case of own adresses, 25% only for external lists.

Respondents had to answer three questions:
1) emailings should be less dull and impersonal: 90% said YES
2) 87% agrees that not enough known about the effects f crossmedia direct marketing
3) 70% shares the opinion that mobile payment is a fact in the Netherlands in the year 2008.

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