Belgian Post must see rapid change before 2011
CEO underlined urgent need to continue its preparation for liberalization.
CEO underlined urgent need to continue its preparation for liberalization.
Johnny Thijs, CEO of the Belgian Post office, said of the regulatory framework for opening up the Belgian postal market to competition in 2011:
“All the players in the postal market know now which conditions they will have to fill on the liberalized postal market. Each one has time to prepare”.
“All operators in Belgium will have to satisfy certain minimal obligations in the field of the distribution and working conditions. These measurements will ensure that real competition is possible on the postal market” he said, pointing out that Belgium’s La Poste will have to continue to provide a Universal Service, whereas competitors would not have this obligation.
“La Poste has been preparing for six years. The quality of the service has improved, the financial balance restored, but we must continue to change if we are to face hard competition and any remaining modernisation initiatives must be implemented completely if we are to be ready before January 1st 2011”.