Deutsche Post tactic could backfire
Deutsche Post tactic could backfire (Deutsche Post – Gefahrlicher Bumerang)
From WIRTSCHAFTSWOCHE, April 26th, 2001
A tactic of Deutsche Post, the German post office operator, to push newcomers
out of the market by means of its monopoly on letters and countless court cases,
could backfire on the company, after Hessische Postvertrieb (HPV), a German
private-sector letter delivery company, filed for insolvency last week.
Deutsche Post’s competitors which want to enter the letter market, including
publishers and Dutch postal company TPG, could benefit from the insolvency. HPV
became insolvent after talks with TPG failed, and so TPG now has the chance to
acquire HPV at a lower price. TPG will also have a better chance of entering
Engel Post, which was once a partner of HPV.
Abstracted from Wirtschaftswoche in German. Copyright 2001 Financial Times
Information, Dow Jones, Dialog. Source: World Reporter (Trade Mark)