GLS launches IdentPin in Germany
GLS Germany has introduced its IdentPin service – a simplified proof of legitimacy test operated via a code. “The IdentPin service is therefore for customers who want a legitimacy test, but do not require extensive data verification,” said Klaus Conrad, managing director of GLS Germany. “For particular telecommunications service providers or pharmaceutical shippers, the new service will be of interest.”
The new coding system has been tested in a pilot phase in the Berlin area since October 2009.
In practice, the sender shall set a maximum four-digit – numeric or alphanumeric – PIN code for the item and send it to the recipient. The code is automatically stored and encrypted in the production of package labels automatically assigned to the parcel number. The full delivery must be typed the code on the handheld scanner driver before the recipient can confirm the receipt of the package by signature. If the code is entered incorrectly three times, then the delivery process is halted.