Postal Authority unveils new identity, vision
Postal Authority unveils new identity, vision
From GULF NEWS, September 15th, 2001
By A Staff Reporter The General Postal Authority (GPA) announced today a new identity,
vision and renewed commitment to serve. The GPA’s new identity begins with a new name – Emirates Post –
which officials say will be accompanied by a series of other changes
and a host of new services, technologies and systems. The service also has a new corporate logo which features a flying
falcon – a symbol of the tradition and heritage of the UAE. Director-General Abdullah Ibrahim Al Daboos said, “Our new name,
Emirates Post, reflects what we have grown into. Our new corporate
identity further illustrates and exemplifies this change. With new
technology, products and enhanced service, we firmly believe that we
have built the basis for a world class postal service.” New technology will include some of the world’s most advanced, which
will facilitate mail reading and sorting up to 40 times faster than
at present. “To match this major infrastructural advancement, Emirates Post will
be significantly improving time-saving services like Express Mail
and EMS mail tracking and tracing services, and include new and
innovative services such as electronic notification of received
mail,” he said. “These major infrastructural improvements will all be geared to
shortening the response time from receiving, to delivering mail
speedily and efficiently between the extensive network of 66 post
offices coast to coast across the UAE.” Al Daboos said high standards and enhanced customer service will be
developed through staff training courses at the Emirates Post
Training Centre. “These will be geared toward familiarising staff with new techniques
and equipment and advanced customer service training,” he added.
Copyright 2001 Al Nisr Publishing LLC.
Source: World Reporter (Trade Mark).GULF NEWS, 15th September 2001