New CEO at La Poste
Daniel Caille, CEO of La Poste, the French national postal service, has resigned after barely a year in the post. It is not yet clear whether the departure is voluntary. Some observers say Mr. Caille, whose experience was in the private sector, may have found it difficult to effect change in such a weighty public company. Chairman Martin Vial is also prone to reshuffling the executive committee.
It is unlikely that the group will find a replacement for Mr. Caille from outside. Internally, the name of Georges Lefebvre, assistant managing director for human resources, has been mentioned. Mr. Lefebvre is close to Mr. Vial and has spent all his 20-year career at La Poste.
Le Monde – France; Apr 27, 2002
La Poste appointment: Georges Lefebvre (La Poste)
The board of directors of French post office La Poste is to meet on Tuesday to announce the resignation of general manager Daniel Caille, who will be replaced by Georges Lefebvre, human resources director.
Abstracted from Le Monde