BEUMER Group completes energy-efficient sortation system for PostNord AS

BEUMER Group completes energy-efficient sortation system for PostNord AS

BEUMER Group, a global supplier of automated material handling systems for conveying, loading, palletising, packaging, sortation and distribution, has completed the handover of a sortation system to PostNord AS for its new parcel terminal near Oslo. Formerly known as Tollpost Globe, now part of the Nordic communications and logistics solutions provider PostNord, the Norwegian company has experienced a boom in its parcel logistics business. The company established the new parcel terminal near Oslo to meet the need for increased capacity in the area around the capital. The location of the new terminal was chosen to make use of the optimised infrastructure in the area to further strengthen and offer a flexible network to customers.

PostNord is no stranger to Crisplant’s sortation systems. Back in 2009 the then-Tollpost was the first parcel distribution company to commission a system with the then-newly released energy-efficient, high-speed LS-4000E sorter. Since that sorting centre opened in 2010, the system has given top-quality service.

In addition to the LS-4000E sorter, the system will include a BEUMER Group software suite system.  The entire system is designed to be easily upgradable should there be the need for higher capacity in the future.

As with all PostNord AS’ business, the new terminal is part of the company’s wish to offer environmentally friendly service and logistics. The facility features a high level of operational efficiency, positive environmental impact and better transport solutions for PostNord’s customers.

Property Manager Ronny Grøtvedt, PostNord AS, commented: “Total satisfaction with our original system made the LS-4000 sorter an ideal choice for our new sorting centre. It’s the best solution.”



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