Europa adds two new daily routes to Germany from Dartford hub

Europa Road has launched new daily services from its Dartford-based “1hub” to the German cities of Rothlein, in Bavaria, and Ense, in North Rhine-Westphalia. As Post&Parcel reported last month, Europa Road (a division of Europa Worldwide Group) now centralises all of its European road freight at its Dartford 1hub.
The new routes to Rothlein and Ense, both operating five times a week, were implemented in response to growing volumes to and from Germany. Year-on-year, Europa has seen an 11.3% increase in German export consignments and a 7% increase on imports.
Europa is already operating daily routes to the German cities Stuttgart, Frankfurt and Düsseldorf.
Europa’s new route to Ense has been launched in partnership with the Nordic Transport Group (NTG), which comprises over 30 Danish and European transport companies.
Schaeflein Spedition, a transport business which has been established for more than 75 years, is Europa’s partner for the Rothlein route.
Both new routes will be serviced by double manned trucks operating on a round trip basis.
Dan Cook, Operations Director Europa Road, commented: “The German market is strong, which is why we are committed to ongoing investment there. We now operate five different daily routes to Germany and as such we are able to reduce final mile costs for our customers and offer a more reliable, flexible and frequent service.
“There is massive opportunity for us to become one of the leading operators in the market and in spite of the exchange rate which makes UK goods more expensive, we have seen hugely encouraging growth in volumes out of Germany. Rothlein and Ense have been identified as target destinations for Europa because of the strong partnerships we have built and the huge potential they can bring for our customers.”