Privatise UK Mail without the pension fund

What is to be done with the Royal Mail? It hangs round the taxpayer's neck like an albatross. And if a recent Channel 4 documentary is to be believed, it is even more doomed and lawless than we had suspected. There are rumours of fresh attempts to privatise it. That would help, if it were feasible. But is it?

The question is as much financial as political. At the operating level, the Royal Mail of course loses money: pounds 227m before tax last year. But as often with such organisations, much of the problem lies with an off-balance-sheet subsidiary which dwarfs the business itself – the pension fund.

Some would argue this is not a barrier to privatisation. British Airways, after all, is often described these days as a hedge fund (its pension obligations) with a sideline in transport. But it is a matter of degree.

The gross asset value of Royal Mail as a business – buildings, vans, cash, debtors, the lot – is pounds 6.2bn. Its pension assets, even at the market low last March, were worth pounds 12.1bn. Its pension deficit was at the last count twice the size of its net assets. British Airways, with a net asset value almost the same as Royal Mail's, has a pension deficit only a quarter as big.

As a result, the business is at the mercy of the financial markets. It is a cruel irony that if the Major government had grasped the nettle in the mid-1990s, the Royal Mail could have been sold as a profitable concern. Indeed, it paid hundreds of millions a year in dividends to the Treasury. The reality – that these profits came mainly from the pension fund in a bull market – was not apparent until later.

But the political problems were real enough, and still are. In part, there is all that sentimental stuff about stamps having the Queen's head on them. More important, as a former Royal Mail boss once put it to me, in every marginal constituency there is a marginal post office.

And at the operating level, it is the post offices which lose most of the money. Of that pounds 227m pre-tax loss last year, pounds 209m was down to the post office network. In the Royal Mail proper, losses from parcel delivery were offset by profits from letters, which are still partly protected by monopoly.

That monopoly is now being squeezed – partly by the regulator, partly by the introduction of competition as laid down by Brussels. And the big competitors, of course, are the privatised post offices of Germany and Holland.

But it is not open to the regulator to squeeze the Royal Mail out of existence. The first duty laid on Postcomm is to uphold universal service, whereby a letter can be delivered at the same price to the Outer Hebrides as to the next street in London. That job falls to the Royal Mail, and Postcomm must ensure it is capable of doing it.

In itself, this is not a barrier to privatisation. In Germany and Holland, the universal service obligation is carried out by the privatised postal services. In the UK, BT does the same for the telephone network (though how that should be paid for is under review).

So what are the real prospects for privatisation? Financially, anything is possible provided the taxpayer foots the bill. The cost of the post office network – which is almost wholly a franchise operation – could be left with the state. Conceivably, even the pension fund might somehow be fenced off.

And politically? If the Government wants to do it – and I would not be surprised – it cannot undertake anything so contentious before the election. Apart from anything else, there is the long shadow of the railways; and it is little consolation to reflect that, as it turns out, the Tories privatised the wrong thing.

If it cannot be done, what then? One version of the future lies in America, whose state-owned US Post is the Royal Mail writ nightmarishly large. US Post has been waspishly described as America's employer of last resort. It has 729,000 employees, 90 per cent of whom are unionised. Its service is notoriously unreliable, and anything important is sent by UPS or FedEx. And it keeps on losing money.

This is a curious inversion of the usual rule, with the private enterprise model being provided by Europe and the statist model by the United States. In Britain's case, I have a glum suspicion that the US version will prevail. Either way, it is going to cost us.

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