Industry demands Govt intervention on postal dispute

The direct marketing industry is urging the Government to ‘sort out the postal strike now’, following a flood of calls from DMA (UK) members – clients, agencies and suppliers – who fear their businesses will suffer irrevocable damage.

The dispute started in June, but the latest back-to-back strike could see the postal system out of action for up to three weeks.

DMA director of media channel development Robert Keitch says: “We need high level input. The Government, as the single shareholder, must sort this out now. It’s not just the direct mail industry that is suffering. Many companies rely on Royal Mail to handle their invoicing – businesses simply aren’t getting paid.

“The real fear, however, is: what will be left of the market?”

His concerns are echoed by Williams Lea strategic solutions consultant for mail Justin Rabett, who comments: “Not only is Royal Mail causing short term damage to an already troubled organisation, but its current actions will cause longer term consequences in terms of mail consumption across Great Britain. As it stands, Royal Mail’s position as a pre-eminent supplier of mail distribution in the UK is under serious threat. The latest strike is simply providing more ammunition to its critics who have questioned its ability to deliver on its universal service obligations.

“The danger of course is that once alternative methods are trialled, agencies are engaged and results are delivered, there will be no going back to traditional methods.”

The move follows Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s comments that the rolling industrial action is ‘unacceptable’.

Talks between Royal Mail, the TUC and the Communications Workers Union are said to be progressing, although a deal to avert the next wave of action has yet to be struck.

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