UK Royal Mail announces proposals for updated postcode licence

The licence for PAF, which contains all known UK addresses and postcodes, to be updated by Royal Mail.

The licence for PAF, which contains all known UK addresses and postcodes, is to be updated by Royal Mail.

The aim of the proposed changes is to introduce a licence that will be clearer and fairer to all users.

The changes have been developed based on feedback from PAF users of all types and sizes on how Royal Mail could improve the current licence and make it work better for businesses. Royal Mail is holding a further formal consultation from 5th November to 24th December to allow both resellers of PAF products and direct customers to share their views and opinions on the proposals.

The new PAF licence and a new price tariff will be published in April 2009. The changes to the licence will be revenue neutral for Royal Mail and will come into effect from September 2009.

The proposed changes include:

• Reduction of ‘Per User’ fee to GBP 75 a reduction of 50 pct on 2006 prices
• Introduction of new Multiple User bands
• Introduction of new unlimited Internal Transaction licensing
• Removal of System and Multi-System prices
• New Extended user Group options
• New Postcode Area Plus licensing
• New second level Third Party Solutions provider option
• Reduced Data Supply prices
• A three year contract from 1 September 2009 with a 12 month notice period for any changes

To ensure a smooth transition Royal Mail will allow resellers to stay on their existing agreements until 31 December 2009.

In addition Royal Mail is introducing a new online royalty return system to make administration easier.

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