South African Post Office promotes direct mail
With global capitalism, everybody’s got to get a piece of the
action–including the South African Post Office Ltd., which now seems
engaged in a crash course of modernization.
That updating includes the postal service promoting direct mail–something
most major postal services around the world rely on to make money but don’t
go so far as to advertise. The South African Post Office prints a postmark
on letters passing through its system that reads: “Direct Mail–Your
Salesman in an Envelope.”
This may seem quaint by U.S. standards, but keep in mind that the South
African Post Office has been completely involved in mundane activities like
trying to assign a postal address to each South African household–something
difficult in a country with lots of remote regions. This is part of an
arrangement it’s had with a New Zealand Post/Royal Mail consortium for the
past year and a half that is helping to expedite the modernization process.
Commendably, the South African Post Office, which used to serve the
apartheid regime, now says it has a policy to use small black-owned
businesses as suppliers whenever it can.
Page 7;Volume 13;Issue 3
THIS IS THE FULL TEXT: COPYRIGHT 2001 Intertec Publishing Corporation
COPYRIGHT 2001 Gale Group
DIRECT, 01st March 2001