Postal workers strike in UK
UK postal workers went on strike for three day from 25 July in a row over pay cuts and jobs.
UK postal workers went on strike for three day from 25 July in a row over pay cuts and jobs.
Approximately 12,000 members of the Communication Workers Union (CWU) participated in the strike in London. The CWU’s last three-day strike in capital ended on 10 July.
A CWU statement said: “The union’s national leadership has offered Royal Mail a three-month moratorium on industrial action in return for a suspension of imposed changes, but the company has, so far, rejected this and other attempts to resolve the dispute.”
London divisional rep Mark Palfrey said: “Our members are not going to allow Royal Mail to keep imposing change by diktat.
“We want the company to sit down and negotiate change with our union, but their current stance is giving us no other option but to take strike action in defence of our jobs and the future of our industry.”