UK Post Office delivers new advertising campaign

The UK Post Office is launching a new integrated advertising campaign as part of a marketing drive to reinforce the Post Office’s position as a hub for local communities and to promote the brand’s range of financial and travel services. The new campaign, developed through a collaboration between the Post Office brand and advertising team, and an inter-agency team at Mother London, Draftfcb, OMD UK and The Open Agency, will be rolled out across TV, press, direct mail, online, in-branch and outdoor from Sunday 4 July.

The campaign commences with a TV advertisement across both satellite and terrestrial networks aimed at promoting the brand’s travel products. Further advertisements promoting other financial products are also planned as part of the campaign.

Running throughout the whole campaign will be the theme ‘there is more that unites us than divides us’, following research which found that 86% of people believe their area is one in which people from different backgrounds get on well together, and the finding that 93% of people strongly feel part of UK society. Along this theme, the advertisements feature real people.

Director Paul Gay, formerly of Skins and BBC period drama ‘Desperate Romantics’ produced the advertisements with Mother London.

Post Office marketing director, Gary Hockey Morley said of the campaign: “We wanted to build on the Post Office’s heritage as a community brand while also taking it into the future by highlighting the wide array of products, including financial services, that the Post Office offers. Back in the twenties, the General Post Office Film Unit used to create short films featuring a slice of UK life and we wanted to use this as a starting point to provide a modern take on what life in the UK is like today. As such, we’ve made the choice to use real people in the adverts to give a genuine flavour of modern life.”

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