Osterreichische Post plans to slim down
Osterreichische Post AG, the Austrian post office, plans, as from
this autumn, to restructure its branch network, involving the
closure of between 700 and 1,500 unprofitable branches over the
coming years. To date, the post office has avoided discussing
closure plans in order to avoid conflict with employees or local
government. Under the new concept, the network will introduce three new types of
post offices: kiosks for locations with over 6,000 customers (such
as shopping centres with long opening hours), ‘Post.at’ offices with
extended product ranges (stationery, books, CDs) and internet
surfing stations, and ‘post partners’, where local outlets, such as
grocery stores, will carry out basic postal services and will be
paid on a volume basis. There is some opposition to plans on the
part of the postal workers’ union and some local government
representatives. Abstracted from Wirtschaftsblatt
Abstracted from Wirtschaftsblatt in German. Copyright 2001
Financial Times Information, Dow Jones, Dialog.
Source: World Reporter (Trade Mark)WIRTSCHAFTSBLATT, 26th July 2001