Postal Department to hook up rural folks for growth
With the urbane populace getting hooked on to the usage of electronic mail, the department of posts is now looking to rural folk for its growth.
It has decided to install letter boxes in all the villages in the country with a population of 300 or above, if no post office has been provided there so far.
According to the ministry of communication sources, to increase the availability of the stamps and stationery in the rural areas, the scheme of Panchayat Sanchar Sewa Kendras (PSSK) has been made more attractive by increasing the fixed allowance, permissible to PSSK agents.
All the gram panchayat villages, where opening of branch post office is justified on distance and population norms will be given immediate preference for provision of PSSK.
Accordingly, the annual target of opening 1,000 PSSKs has been increased to 2,000.
In order to enhance its revenue income, the DoP has launched Greeting Post, a series of greeting cards on commercial basis, for all occasions. The entire range of attractive greeting cards with prepaid postage envelopes is a unique concept first time ever in India.
The Greeting Post, a premium product, has been innovatively designed by the Business Development Directorate of the DoP. The greeting cards will be in two sizes one is priced at Rs 12 and the other at Rs 15 inclusive of postage.
Copyright 2002 The Economic Times of India, Coleman & Co Ltd. Source : Financial Times Information Limited