PUDO “opens for business”
Toronto-based PUDO has announced that its new “customizable” parcel pick-up and drop-off service is now “open for business” and launched across North America. PUDO has reported that it has partnered with local retailers including convenience stores, gas stations and grocery stores “throughout Canada and the US” to create a network of dealer locations that customers can use as alternate addresses for their parcel deliveries.
“With PUDO, Canadians can access deliveries later in the evening and on weekends, and most PUDO dealer stores are open 7 days a week,” according to the company.
Frank Coccia, PUDO’s Chief Executive Officer, added: “PUDO is the welcome evolution to conventional Pick-Up and Drop-Off services. It gives control back to members/users to customize how and when they want their deliveries.”
PUDO claims that it has more than 2,200 dealer locations across Canada, as well as more than 3,000 in the US – and that it is “growing rapidly”.