UK Post Office to reinvent itself in root-and-branch review
The Post Office aims to ensure customer satisfaction and maximise revenue streams by conducting a thorough audit of branch services and products.
The company is conducting a root-and-branch review of 11,000 outlets in a 12-month nationwide campaign.
The brief, handed to field marketing specialist Blue Water following an e-auction, is to check branches are able to fulfil all customer enquiries about Post Office offerings. These include travel insurance, forms, bill payments and third-party promotions such as the company’s BT Openworld offer.
A Royal Mail spokesman says: “We want to make sure customers have access to the variety of products and services we offer, and ensure we maximise revenue streams.”
The move comes as the Post Office teams up with easyInternetcafe, part of the Stelios Haji-Ioannou-owned easyGroup empire, to provide instore Internet access, as part of a wider plan to broaden its services (PM August 22).
Post Office chief executive David Mills says: “This shows how we are looking at innovative ways to improve and extend services to our customers. Post Office reinvention is now truly under way.”