UK Royal Mail is addressing the wrong problem

Next time you buy a birthday card, ask yourself: is it more than 240 mm long, 165 mm wide or 5 mm thick? If so, then forget about dispatching it with a simple first-class stamp. You will need a “large letter” version. For, as of yesterday, the Royal Mail is categorising post by size as well as weight, in order to “rebalance its prices in line with costs”.

The new arrangement is “fairer and simpler”, says the Royal Mail. Simpler? In that case, we dread to think what a more complicated system would look like.

As for fairer, that also stretches credulity. Pricing in Proportion (PiP), as it is officially known, is likely to prove irritating and expensive for small businesses and associations, which may now have to choose between paying more for very light A4 letters and laboriously folding them.

These fears are groundless, says the Royal Mail: far from being a bizarre innovation, PiP is already used by the Japanese, German and Singaporean post offices – where, unsurprisingly, it runs with formidable efficiency.

But this is the British Post Office we are talking about; and, with all due respect, efficiency is not the first word that springs to mind. The Royal Mail is presenting PiP as if it were a piece of much-needed tweaking to a system that already runs like clockwork, and with which business and domestic customers are well satisfied.

This is far from being the case. In many parts of the country, postal deliveries – now reduced to just one a day – are shockingly erratic. In London, the time that the post drops on to the doormat, or even whether it arrives at all, seems to depend on the whim of constantly changing casual staff with a foreign tourist’s grasp of local geography and written English. The idea that the Post Office should add to the customer’s burden before it addresses the scandal of its sorting offices is nothing short of an insult.

And then there is the effect on post offices themselves. In rural areas, struggling sub-post offices usually provide a friendly and helpful service. Their urban equivalents, in contrast, are often appalling places, with their stained carpets, faded 1980s interior design – and, above all, insufferable snaking queues, which are so long that advertisers station video screens for shuffling customers.

For years, it has taken Stakhanovite determination to enter a city centre post office; one look at the ratio of staffed to unstaffed booths is enough to make the heart sink. Just imagine how protracted your visit could become now that letters have to be measured as well as weighed. Thank God for e-mail.

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