US marketers spending less on advertisements
Total advertising spend in the first half of 2007 went down 0.3 percent to USD 72.6 billion versus the same period in 2006, according to data released today by TNS Media Intelligence, a provider of advertising and marketing information.
Internet display advertising held tight to its growth leadership position with a 17.7 percent increase to USD 5.5 billion in ad-spend.
Consumer magazines experienced a 6.9 percent increase to USD 11.5 billion in advertising.
Outdoor advertising investments were up 3.6 percent to USD 1.9 billion and cable TV followed with a 2.8 percent increase to USD 8.3 billion.
Broadcast TV media continued to experience weakness in the second quarter and turned in significant half-year declines.
Network TV expenditures went down 3.6 percent to USD 11.8 billion, while ad spend on Spot TV dropped 5.4 percent to USD 7.3 billion. Syndication TV was down 5.3 percent to USD 2.00 billion.
Newspaper and radio plummeted during the second quarter. For the half-year period, ad spending in local newspapers plunged 5.7 percent to USD 11.1 billion on a reduction of 4.7 percent in space sold. Marketers lowered their radio advertising budgets by 2.7 percent, to a total of USD 5.1 billion.
Internet display advertising swelled to 7.6 percent of total expenditures, up from 6.4 percent a year ago. Magazines gained 0.9 share points and finished the period at 20 percent of ad spending. Newspapers lost one full share point and slipped to 17.8 percent of total expenditures. National television and local television each lost share but still accounted for a combined 43.6 percent of all expenditures.
In the first half of 2007, the top 10 advertisers spent a total of USD 9 billion, a decrease of 2.2 percent from last year.
Second quarter spending for this group was up slightly, bouncing back from a steep 5.1 percent decline during the first three months.
Financial Services maintained its top position with USD 4.5 billion in expenditures, up 3.5 percent. Higher spending from retail banks offset reductions by credit card brands.