Year: 2005

Baltic Business Logistic System – Latvija boosts sales by 50pct in 2004

Baltic Logistic System-Latvija (BLS), an express delivery company selling services under Bizpak trademark, may have operated at some 1 million euros or some 703,000 lats sales in 2004, up some 50 percent on 2003, when the sales were 463,000 lats, the company reported. BLS would not reveal the expected profit or loss figure for 2004. In 2003 the company was 238,000 lats in the red.
BLS said the number of entities using express delivery services is constantly growing in Latvia, pushing the number of deliveries last year up almost two times on 2003. For 2005 the company expects surge in domestic deliveries “amid growing understanding on market of benefits provided by delivery services”. Sufficient growth is expected for international deliveries as well.

All in all though BLS expects slower growth in 2005 than in 2004.

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TPG completes repurchase 20.7 million shares from the State of The Netherlands

TPG N.V. announces the completion of the repurchase of 20,7 million ordinary shares by TPG from the State of The Netherlands as announced 29 September 2004. Today the payment and transfer of the second and last tranche of 13.1 million shares took place according to plan for a price of EUR 19.74 per share. The purchase has been made using operational cash flows. TPG intends to cancel the 20.7 million shares repurchased following the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 7 April 2005. As a result of the sale of share to TPG as well as the private placement of 57 million ordinary shares on 29 September 2004 by the State – in total representing approximately 16 percent of the outstanding share capital – the holding of the State in TPG is now reduced to approximately 19 percent.

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Postwatch welcomes select committee report on UK Crown Post Offices

Postwatch today welcomed the Trade and Industry Committee’s report ‘Crown Post Offices’. The report examines Post Office Ltd’s review of their Crown – or Directly Managed – post office network. The Committee’s report raised key concerns, including Ddisparities in customer service levels between Crown post offices and franchise post offices, as revealed in research commissioned by
Postwatch and the postal services regulator Postcomm, the need for Post Office Ltd to better communicate the reasons for converting Directly Managed branches to franchise post offices, and the need for the Government to pay a fair price for services that Post Office Ltd undertakes on its behalf.

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Gov’t to allow Japan Post to enter into int’l delivery business

The government intends to enable the state-backed Japan Post to enter into international parcel delivery business before its planned privatization in April 2007, government sources said Wednesday. The plan will form the core of a set of six bills for privatizing postal services that the government will submit to a regular Diet session convening later this month, the sources told Kyodo News. Removing the current ban on Japan Post’s branching out into delivery services abroad is intended to improve its profitability and help facilitate the 10-year postal privatization process, which begins in April 2007, they said. Industry sources said, however, the move is sure to trigger broadsides from private parcel delivery firms wanting to expand their operations in China and other Asian countries.

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JAL, ANA made same bids for Japan Post contracts

Japan Airlines Corp. and All Nippon Airways Co. made the same bids for Japan Post’s mail container service contracts in 115 rounds of open competitive tenders in last February, informed sources said Wednesday. This was “unusual,” said a source. But a JAL official denied the two carriers colluded to rig bids. Japan Post conducted 234 rounds of open tenders in last February for contracts in all of fiscal 2004, which started April 1. JAL and ANA, Japan’s two major air carriers, were invited to participate along with Skymark Airlines, a relative newcomer in the industry founded in 1996. JAL and ANA eventually participated in 143 rounds, including the 115 rounds in which they offered exactly same prices, the sources said.

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Joint-venture logistics company scores 50 pct growth in China

DHL Sinotrans, a joint venture between the world’s top express delivery company, DHL, and China Foreign Trade Shipping Group, posted a year-on-year growth of more than 50 percent in its business on the Chinese mainland last year. By the end of 2004, DHL Sinotrans had increased the number of its subordinates nationwide from the year-earlier level of 50 to 56, covering 300-plus Chinese cities. Dr Klaus Zumwinkel, chairman of DHL’s German parent company, said that in May 2004 DHL Sinotrans started domestic express delivery business in China, becoming the first international logistics companies to do so in the country.

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Concern at increase in UK Postwatch spending

Royal Mail is understood to be concerned at the rising expenditure at Postwatch, the consumer group. Accounts for Postwatch in the last financial year showed that Pounds 4 million was spent on staff costs; Pounds 1.7 million on council and secretarial expenses; Pounds 430,000 on networking, travel and subsistence; and Pounds 564,000 on office costs. Staff costs have risen from Pounds 2.7 million and the cost of “other administration” has jumped from Pounds 5.5 million to Pounds 6.2 million. Postwatch has also taken out leases of Pounds 1.65 million to cover the cost of IT and property, and has a deficit of Pounds 261,000. Royal Mail provides more than Pounds 10 million funding a year to Postwatch, but relations between the two have become acrimonious.

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German cartel office clears Deutsche Post buy of some KarstadtQuelle logistics

The German cartel office has approved Deutsche Post World Net AG’s takeover of part of troubled retailer KarstadtQuelle’s logistics operations, according to cartel office spokeswoman Anja Scheidgen. She said the clearance applies only to ‘internal warehouse logistics operations that supply individual stores.’ She said Deutsche Post has not filed for cartel office approval to take over the other parts of KarstadtQuelle’s logistics operations.

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