Measuring Postal Performance

Perry Lavergne from Last Mile Experts North America / Perry Lavergne Consulting discusses measuring postal performance:
- Why postal operators should measure postal performance
- The role of the postal regulator (monitoring, pricing and enforcement)
- Regulators showing understanding of postal conditions when monitoring postal performance
- Measuring performance of international mail service (inbound and outbound)
- Reimbursement for international mail (Universal Postal Union – UPU)
- Targets, terminal dues, and performance
- International mail entering the domestic mail stream
- Cross-border parcels in the postal stream
- RFID and monitoring delivery
- Using performance data domestically and internationally
- Which leg of the journey is most important in international mail? (In particular for remuneration under UPU terminal dues)
- Who is accountable for delivery failures?
- EMS and PRIME Exprès – monitoring performance and payment
- Modern proof of delivery relating to IPC/UPU cross-border products – including scanning for track-and-trace
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The Postal Hub Podcast is the weekly podcast for the global postal and delivery sectors. For more information, visit the Postal Hub Podcast website at thepostalhub.com.