Prime Vision signs customer-focused Innovation Director Lars Pruijn

Prime Vision has found a new Innovation Director in Lars Pruijn, who will ensure that the Delft-based IT company’s solutions connect even better to the fulfilment and logistics market.
“I am taking my knowledge of the needs and challenges of e-commerce parties to Prime Vision. One of my main goals is to make Prime Vision an even better partner, coming up with solutions that fit the customer exactly,” said Lars Pruijn. Pruijn will join the company effective August 1.
Pruijn spent nearly 20 years at PostNL, where his responsibilities included building and modernizing the parcels branch into a state-of-the-art business, which is still an international benchmark. PostNL Parcels is responsible for the sorting and timely delivery of many millions of parcels a year.
Prime Vision has specialized in computer vision and AI solutions for the automation of mail and parcel sorting centres for a quarter century. Handwriting recognition, barcode reading, analytical software, and hardware solutions such as self-driving sorting robots are part of the portfolio.
Prime Vision also deploys this portfolio for fulfilment clients who want to make their warehouses more efficient, flexible and scalable. This allows them to respond to market developments such as sudden order spikes and changes in the labour market.
“We are welcoming Lars to the Prime Vision fold. Since he knows both the supplier and customer perspective of the sorting and fulfilment process, we are confident that he will help us further expand our position as the go-to provider of automation solutions for logistics,” said Dirk van Lammeren, Prime Vision’s CCO.”
Prime Vision and Pruijn have known each other since 2006 when Pruijn was the manager of a PostNL parcel sorting centre. “At that time, employees were still sitting at the parcel infeed typing in zip codes and house numbers. In that job, I was responsible for the introduction of video coding and OCR (optical character recognition), which Prime Vision designed and installed. Since then, we have worked together on the innovation side on several occasions. On of those was an extensive sorting-robot pilot in Belgium.”
Pruijn said: “Prime Vision is decisive, customer-oriented, and entrepreneurial. The company has a clear vision and a good atmosphere among its 170 employees. Here, I get the chance to sit at the table with the customer more often. That’s what it’s ultimately all about: working on issues together and finding great solutions.”