The application deadline for the World Post & Parcel Awards 2024 has been extended to Friday 8 March so there is still time to apply!
There are 8 awards categories that you can choose to submit an entry for.
With varying focus areas for each category your best bet is to enter a category where you have concise evidence that matches the criteria.
The awards categories are:
- Best Alternative Delivery Solution
- Best Innovation Strategy (sponsored by Scurri)
- Best Technology Solution (sponsored by Zonos)
- Startup of the Year (sponsored by One World Express)
- Commitment to Sustainability (sponsored by PostEurop)
- Postal Evolution
- Postal Operator of the Year
- Philatelic Campaign of the Year
To submit your entry simply visit:
To book a place at the Awards Dinner on 19 June 2024 | HOTEL PUERTA AMERICA, MADRID, SPAIN visit:
Due to a technical error with our website, any entries made from mid-January to 26th February were unfortunately not received. We apologise for this error which has now been fixed. If you made an application during this time, please re-submit your application.
If you have any questions regarding the application process or the Awards itself, please don’t hesitate to contact the team on +44(0)1628 642910 or [email protected]
P.S. Interested in sponsoring one of the remaining Award categories? Contact Tom Ross-Joannou or Stephen Clark or call the team on +44 (0)1628 642910.