Klaus Zumwinkel is "strategist of the year"

The Financial Times Deutschland has named Dr. Klaus Zumwinkel, Chairman of the Management Board of Deutsche Post World Net, as the “strategist of the year.” He was recognized for implementing a ground-breaking and sustainable corporate strategy in the category for companies with annual sales of more than 15 billion euro. The selection was not based on the decision of a jury. Instead, it was determined through the evaluation and weighting of objective data about the Group’s development by the scientists of the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management. The award, being presented this year for the third time, was established by the Financial Times Deutschland, the WHU (Vallendar/Koblenz) and the Bain & Company consulting firm.

The decision was based on an analysis of company data for the fiscal years of 2003-2005. Besides the overall performance of the company and chairman, key factors in the ranking were sales growth, employee development, return on equity and total shareholder return less equity costs. Ninety-eight listed German companies with sales of more than ?1 billion and free-floating shares of at least 2 percent were ranked.

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