Will there be any post offices left when I get old? – Save our post offices campaign

Britain’s 14,300 post offices are fighting for their very survival. The Government is starving the network of vital funding in a move that could leave it with as few as 4,000 branches in the next decade. But many communities are putting up a fight. Toby Walne visited the Isle of Wight to find how the bestserved region in the country is aiming to keep it that way.

They are a belligerent bunch on the Isle of Wight. Faced with a Government that seems determined to smash Britain's post office network, the islanders have fought back by issuing a 'unilateral declaration of independence', calling for their post offices to be removed from Royal Mail control.

And there is good reason to fight. The island has 52 branches serving 120,000 people, which is one for every 2,308 residents and almost double the national average.

But that does not include the 2.6 million 'grockles' tourists – who holiday on the island every year and often use the post office network. Yet the Government is poised to destroy this thriving network, allowing the closure of 35 branches, leaving only 17 post offices by 2010.

Rodney Archer, secretary of the island's branch of the National Federation of SubPostmasters, accuses the Government of an 'act of wanton vandalism'.

He says: 'The Government has been running post offices into the ground and I am sorry to say that the network's owner, Royal Mail, has just stood by and let it happen.

Were we allowed to be left to our own devices and take positive survival action, the post office network would do far better.' Eighteen months ago, the post office in the tiny village of Chale Green, situated in the south of the island, was earmarked for closure.

But Rodney, who also runs a former Crown post office in the east coast town of Sandown, stepped in.

Together with Vern Yerman, who owns the adjacent Londis mini market and bakery, he has turned an ailing branch into a booming local business. The post office is now firmly at the heart of its community a hub for selling local produce from lobsters to freshly baked bread.

Rodney, 67, says: 'We needed to inject cash to turn things round. Now we not only make money but we have brought a dying community back to life. The problem with the post office network is that it is starved of resources and being run down.

We should be getting more not less Government help.

'Make no mistake, close the post office in Chale Green and all these other services will suffer as customers are forced to go elsewhere.' Farmer Jim Trickett, 44, pulls up in his tractor at the Chale Green branch. He calls in three or four times a week for groceries and postal needs.

Jim says: 'The post office is a community service and should not just be about making money. How can the Government let it fail?' A small cabin on the edge of a field is home to the tiny Brook post office, open every Monday and Thursday.

Subpostmistress Kathy Dobson, 78, sits behind a simple wooden desk beside a colourful rug.

There are two Victorian chairs in front in case customers want a chat.

On the wall is a collection of children's pictures and a quilted Post Office sign embroidered by Kathy's sister, Jean Palmer, 71. Yet despite the homely touches, including jars of homemade orange and lemon marmalade sold for charity, there is a professional edge.

Literature on show includes details on Post Office home, car and travel insurance, savings accounts, loans and credit cards. In addition, she promotes the basic banking service offered to customers of Barclays, Alliance & Leicester, Lloyds TSB and Co-operative Bank.

Kathy says: 'The Post Office pays me just over Pounds 6 an hour for 13 hours a week, while I supply the building, pay the rent and heating bills.

'I cannot believe this represents anything but excellent value for money as I not only handle benefits and deal with postal needs, but play an active role selling other post office services.' Kathy, who typically serves about 40 people each week, believes the survival of the Post Office card account is paramount.

This was promised as an alternative to having benefit payments made direct into a bank account, but it is due to be dropped in 2010.

When it goes, she fears post offices like hers could be vulnerable, especially after the Post Office's loss of the right to sell TV licences and following the introduction of the sale of stamps and car tax discs on the internet.

Village doctor Alan Edwards, 70, uses Brook post office to send eczema treatments to child patients on the island and mainland.

He says: 'We don't have a village centre, as there are no other shops, so the survival of this post office branch is essential. Often, people tell Kathy if they are ill, not me, and I will then go and check on them.

The post office helps us all to be better neighbours.' The elderly and disabled without transport suffer the most when post offices close. But young people also acknowledge their value.

Boat building apprentice Sam Philpott, 24, was down on Compton Chine, enjoying some surfing. He had been to his local post office branch in East Cowes earlier that day to get some Australian dollars for his gap year.

He says: 'I don't use the post office much, but I do value its service to the community. If branches are allowed to close down, they will never reopen.

When I get old there might be no post offices left. They are an investment for our future.' A couple of miles south of the island's port of Yarmouth, where the ferry arrives after its half-hour run from Lymington, is the small town of Freshwater. The local post office is backing Financial Mail's Save Our Post Offices campaign and on the wall is a picture of Dame Vera Lynn endorsing the battle.

Shirley Miles arrives with a copy of Financial Mail to show other customers, encouraging everyone to cut out and complete the Save Our Post Offices coupon.

Shirley, 72, a widow who was awarded the British Empire Medal for fundraising to build a swimming pool in the town in 1976, understands the need to rally communities to ensure the survival of local services.

She says: 'I am furious the Government seems to put no value on the worth of a community. All we demand is freedom of choice nothing more. To have no apparent long-term plan for post office survival shows utter contempt for such a vital local service.' Subpostmistress Jenny Crates, who looks after Church post office on the edge of Freshwater with husband Roger, 67, says: 'It's lies and damn lies from the Government. How can we ever trust a word they say?

'We feel cheated and betrayed.

They offer no support. The damage was done when most benefits books went.

Now it is almost too late.' Jenny believes the only way the branch network can be maintained is if the card account is upgraded to offer a full banking service. The Government claims that it will be unveiling a 'rescue mission' in the next

few weeks to stem the Pounds 111 million loss made by the network last year.

But so far, there have been only hints that there may be a replacement for the card account.

Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling, in a statement to Financial Mail, says: 'A decision on the future size of the network will be made in the next few weeks.' If dramatic cuts are proposed, expect the postmasters and postmistresses of the Isle of Wight to come out fighting.


FINANCIAL MAIL believes a strong, vibrant post office network is essential and that none of the current 14,300 outlets should be forced to shut as a result of further Government meddling.

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