Brazilian Govt. forms group to modernize Correios
The Brazilian government has created a high-level working group (“Grupo de Trabalho Interministerial”) charged with making proposals regarding the modernization of the post (Correios).
According to the Minister of Communications, Helio Costa, the objective is to make Correios “an example of a competitive and efficient state-owned company that offers better services to the public and to companies”.
Per the Official Journal (Diario Oficial da Uniao) of December 31, 2008, the working group is composed of the CEO of Correios, Mr. Carlos Henrique Almeida Custodio, and senior civil servants representing the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Planning and the Ministry of Communications. On January 5, 2009, Mr. Wagner Moreira from the Ministry of Communications was named rapporteur of the working group.
The group is expected to publish its findings in two months time.