Australian post offices to provide banking services for Westpac

Australian post offices to provide banking services for Westpac

Australia Post is set to provide banking services for customers of Australia’s second largest bank through thousands of post offices. The state-owned postal service said today that it has entered into a new partnership with the bank that will mean 3,300post offices providing access to banking services for customers.

This will include more than 1,400 regional and rural post offices, the company said.

Australia Post already had a partnership with Westpac to provide communications for the bank via its MyPost Digital Mailbox. Under the new partnership, post offices will provide services including cash withdrawals, cash and cheque deposits, in-store identity checks for new account holders and general account queries.

Group Executive Westpac Retail & Business Banking Jason Yetton said: “Banks continue to see significant take up of digital and online banking, however, some people prefer to bank face-to-face and this partnership is another way for them to do that, with a guaranteed level of service from an experienced transactional banking provider in Australia Post.”

Australia Post said it does not charge extra fees to Westpack Customers for using its so-called Bank@Post service.

Christine Corbett, Executive General Manager for Postal Services at Australia Post, said the agreement was further evidence of the trust Westpac had placed in the services provided by Australia Post.

“Australia Post continues to diversify and refine its offering to ensure a strong and vibrant future, and banking is a key component of the type of services we provide online and through our extensive network,” she said.

“We welcome this new agreement with Westpac which follows last month’s announcement that Westpac had become the first Australian bank to join MyPost Digital Mailbox.”

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