CUPW to continue court challenge over community mail boxes

CUPW to continue court challenge over community mail boxes

The Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) has indicated that it will continue its legal challenge over Canada Post’s community mail box (CMB) programme, even though the new Liberal Party has pledged to maintain home deliveries. Following the Liberal Party’s election victory, Canada Post announced at the end of last month that it was temporarily suspending its CMB roll-out programme. However, the suspension could be lifted soon – and it is also unclear if the Liberal Party would agree to restore home deliveries in the areas where the change-over to CMBs has already been completed.

On Monday (9 November), Mike Palecek, the National President of the CUPW, wrote a letter to Judy Foote, the new Minister of Public Services and Procurement, calling for a meeting to discuss her plans for the postal sector. In the letter, which the CUPW has published on its website, Palecek called for a “full public review of Canada Post, not just a review of the corporation’s business plan”.

Palecek also told the Minister: “While CUPW is pleased that the delivery cuts have been “temporarily” suspended, the union would like to see a “permanent” halt. We would also like Canada Post to restore delivery to people who have lost it since the cuts were announced in 2013.”

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