UK Domestic B2C Express Parcels Distribution Survey 2017

Published: July 2017 | Price: £13,000 (+ VAT where applicable)

Building on the long established UK Domestic B2B Express Parcels Distribution Survey, which has been providing the express parcels sector with valuable carrier benchmarking information for almost 30 years, in 2008 Triangle introduced a UK Domestic B2C Express Parcels Distribution Survey which recognised the increasing importance of the home delivery sector. The 2017 Report is Wave 10 in this series of express distribution surveys.

Since 2014 the survey includes new questions around parcel returns levels and usage of alternative solutions for delivery and customer returns (i.e. parcel shops, parcel lockers, post offices and retail stores).

This specialist home distribution survey is based on 450 in-depth telephone interviews held with the decision maker for UK Domestic B2C deliveries of parcels ½ kg – 30 kg.  All interviews are carried out to the standards laid down by the Market Research Society of Great Britain and supported by CATI software. The core sample is selected from a large database of known users of parcel distribution services.  Triangle’s interviewers are experienced market researchers who have been involved with this study for many years.

Every year the survey content reflects developments in the market place and also allows for confidential questions from programme sponsors.  In effect, Triangle’s UK Domestic B2C Express Parcels Distribution Survey provides bespoke research at multi-client prices.

The main development in 2016 is the inclusion of Fulfilment by Amazon (FAB) in the 2016 benchmarking survey. Due to its growth and significance in the UK market we could not ignore the relevance of Fulfilment by Amazon.

In 2016 the quota for FAB will be 30-40 and although 2016 will be somewhat of a pilot exercise, we hope to cement its presence in future domestic express parcel surveys.

Key features of the survey include:

  1. Fixed quotas for primary carrier ratings, i.e. Used most often
  2. Total survey size of 450
  3. Potential for subscribing carriers to boost their quota size
  4. Minimum of 50 B2C parcels a month for respondent qualification
  5. Potential to include 2 confidential questions at no additional cost

The survey is based on fixed quotas for primary carrier ratings (i.e.carrier used most often), in order to guarantee robust results for each of the main carriers. A rating for the next most often used carrier is also captured, but no quota by carrier is set for them, i.e. these are random.

The core questionnaire monitors strategic areas each year so as to ensure consistent trend data, however, new questions are sometimes added in order to measure market reactions to new developments.

The main areas covered by the study include:

  • Market metrics (average volumes, weights, products sent)
  • Carrier usage (most often used, others used in last 12 months/last 3 years, lapsed usage)
  • Carrier awareness (other carriers not used, spontaneous & prompted)
  • Carrier selection criteria
  • Pricing changes
  • Carrier performance ratings for the top two carriers (most often used and second most often used in volume terms) on Overall level of service plus five core attributes such as Price and Customer service
  • Carrier descriptors for the top two carriers on eleven key statements
  • Likelihood of recommending the primary carrier used (which provides a Net Promoter Index Benchmark for the industry)
  • Total spend and percentage of total spend with main carrier (Share of wallet)
  • Timed service usage
  • Returns levels
  • Usage of alternative delivery and returns options
  • Website usefulness
  • Sales & marketing recall/rating
  • Carrier Service Profiles

The survey results are reported in a management summary including analysis, graphical representation of the results and comparative charts. In addition, individual company summaries can be produced and supported by personalised presentations where desired. Where significant trends can be identified, these too are analysed and reported for continuous subscribers.

The final survey results will include:

  • Executive Summary
  • Sample Base Description
  • Main Findings: Results and Analysis – with over 70 charts in each of the three separate reports
  • Trend Data for the last 5 years
  • Confidential Question Results
  • Carrier Service Profiles

Triangle’s Express surveys are designed to complement carriers’ own customer satisfaction surveys with the added unique advantage of independent benchmarking of key performance indicators against competitors. Shippers too will find the survey an invaluable input to carrier selection and monitoring.

Related Reports

In 2017 Triangle will publish three individual UK Express Parcel Distribution Surveys:

  1. The UK Domestic B2B Express Parcels Distribution Survey – Wave 19
  2. The UK Domestic B2C Express Parcels Distribution Survey – Wave 10 (see above)
  3. The  combined UK Domestic Express Parcels Report (B2B & B2C) – Wave 7

To order a copy of this or any other survey report or for further information please contact Saeed Mumtaz, Triangle’s Director of Research & Consultancy, on +44 (0)1628 642910 or e-mail [email protected]

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