Mail collections cut

POST box collections in Gower are being cut to one a day but bosses promise it will not affect the service.

Postmen and women will only empty boxes across the peninsula at the end of each day. Previously there had been morning collections as well.

Consignia says the changes are being introduced this month to make more efficient use of staff.

It says technology has improved over the years and that any first class letters will still reach their destination the following day.

The company says the changes are part of a rolling programme across the UK.

The plates on the front of each post box will be altered in the next few weeks detailing the changes in collection times.

A spokeswoman said: ‘We are having one collection a day in Gower where some post boxes have had two a day.‘

‘It does not affect what time the post arrives the following day.‘

‘We would put on extra collections if the post box was full but going to a half empty post box two or three times a day is not an efficient use of that postman¹s time.‘

‘It is something that is happening all over the country and does not mean it is a lesser service.

‘First class mail should get there the following day.¹¹

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