Year: 1998

Postal services act 1998 (NZ)

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New Zealand
Postal Services Act 1998
Assented to 18 March 1998

Unofficial consolidation of individual HTML files available
from the New Zealand Ministry of Commerce,
ran/cnpg. Same pagination as bill enacted by Parliament



1. Short Title and commencement 22. Posting indecent article, etc
23. Unlawfully opening postal article
PART 1 24. Posting of dangerous enclosure
PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS 25. Recording on postal article incorrect time
2. Interpretation or place of posting
3. Act to bind the Crown PART 3
Postage stamps 26. Definition of business of postal operator
4. Postage stamps Requirement for Postal Operators to be
Detention and Examination of Postal Articles Registered
5. Detention of postal articles 27. Postal operators must be registered
6. Postal articles found to be in contravention 28. Offence
of this Act Registration of Postal Operators
7. Postal operator or claimant may apply for 29. Applications for registration
order as to disposal 30. Cancellation of registration
8. Disposal following conviction 31. Offence relating to registration
9. No action to lie
10. Postal articles believed to be in Register of Postal Operators
contravention of other enactments 32. Register of postal operators
11. Valuable postal articles to be kept safely 33. Requirement to notify Secretary of certain
12. Record of postal articles detained and matters
opened 34. Inspection of register
13. Offences 35. Removal from register
14. Offender not relieved from liability 36. Certificate of Secretary to be evidence

Further Provisions Relating to Opening of Appeals
Postal Articles 37. Right of appeal
15. Opening of postal articles to effect 38. Determination of appeals
delivery PART 4
Undeliverable Postal Articles
16. Undeliverable postal articles POSTAL OPERATORS
17. Disposal of unclaimed postal articles Postal Operators to Identify Mail
18. Postal articles required to be dealt with 39. Postal operator to identify mail accepted
under other provisions by it
General Obligations R

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Obligations and rights of postal operators (NZ)

The Postal Services Act 1998 introduced competition to postal services in New Zealand by removing New Zealand Post Limited’s statutory monopoly on the carriage of letters. This means that any company or individual is allowed to carry letters for profit, so long as that company is registered as a Postal Operator by the Secretary of Commerce. The Act only regulates the carriage of letters: there are no restrictions on the carriage of other parcels (e.g. courier packages).

This document is only intended as a guide to the rights and obligations of postal operators. It does not constitute legal advice. Intending postal operators should consult the printed text of the Postal Services Act 1998, available either electronically, or from Bennetts Government Bookshops, and take independent legal advice.

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