Tag: Italy

FedEx Express to deliver broadest next-business-day service from Europe to the Eastern United States

FedEx Express has upgraded its next-business-day delivery service FedEx International Priority from Europe to major U.S. East Coast cities. Customers who had two-business-day service can now reach more than 3,500 zip codes in key markets along the U.S. East Coast overnight. Customers already enjoying next-business-day delivery service to this region benefit from later pick-up times of up to six hours.

To support the service upgrade, FedEx will launch a new westbound trans-Atlantic flight and fly a wide-body MD-11 freighter daily, Tuesday through Friday, between Paris, Charles de Gaulle Airport and Newark, N.J. The Europe-to-U.S. flight segment comprises part of the FedEx westbound ‘around-the-world’ flight, which enables FedEx to provide customers with access to key markets around the world with highly competitive transit times. The company will also introduce two new Airbus A310 flights, including flights originating from Barcelona and Budapest-Vienna, to offer customers in these areas later pick-up times for enhanced next-business-day service to the U.S.

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Correos launches new money transfer service to Uruguay

The Spanish postal operator Correos this week launched a new international express postal order service that will enable money to be fast-tracked to Uruguay. In time, the system will be able to transfer money to Chile and Morocco.

The service is the result of an agreement signed by the Correos and Uruguayan Mail during the 24th Congress of the Postal Universal Union (UPU) that was held in Geneva. The international urgent postal order is already operative in 60 offices of the Uruguayan Mail but it now means that money can be transferred back and forth in the space of 15 minutes, and a significantly reduced cost to that offered by other money transfer services.

The service uses the International Financial System (IFS), designed by the Center of Postal Technologies of the UPU, designed to create a trustworthy and sure network for the transference of money by electronic means between the postal operators. It also fulfills a commitment of agreement of cooperation signed by the UPU and the Government of Spain in December, 2007 with the aim to introduce direct transfers to South America and the North Africa, through the network international financier of the UPU.

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Poste Italiane helps pave the way for the delivery of electronic postmarks

Poste Italiane’s Director General, Massimo Sarmi introduced an application to enable Posts the world over to deliver electronic postal certification marks.

The plug-in developed by Poste Italiane with the help of Microsoft applies an electronic postal certification mark that provides evidential proof of an electronic event, in a certain form, at a certain time, and involving one or more parties. This certification mark can be seen as the electronic equivalent of a registered letter. It brings all the benefits of the traditional paper-based postmark to electronic documents. Features such as date and time stamping, digital identity capture, content verification and encryption prove that the content of an electronic message has not been altered. The electronic postal certification mark acts as evidence of who signed what and when.

The Advanced Electronic Services user group, part of the UPU’s Telematics Cooperative (an association of UPU member countries that work together to develop technical applications for the benefit of the postal world), and countries currently using electronic postmarks also contributed their expertise to the project. These include Belgium, Canada, France, Italy, Portugal and the United States.

With this application, the UPU will work to provide member countries wishing to offer electronic postal certification marks the necessary infrastructure to do so.

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Postal workers to become mobile Post Offices

Poste Italiane is rolling out a mobile postal service using Italy’s postmen and postwomen. The new service which has already been trialed in Rome, allows customers to top up their mobile phones, send registered mail items and order prescription medicines.

Using a hand-held device, postal workers can even print receipts and the scheme is expected to be adopted throughout most of Italy over the next few years. One advantage of the concept is the ability to track registered letters along the route which it is thought would also work well for legal documents such as court papers.

It is hoped that more services can be added to the scheme over time, once the support structure is in place. The postal prescription service will connect patient, doctor, and pharmacist, making the ordering and delivery of prescription medicines a snap. Whilst it is not expected to replace post offices, the service should prove popular for smaller transactions and is another example of Italy’s drive to modernise the post office network.

Norway Post introduced a door-to-door alcohol service via the post office network in February this year and Royal Mail is already investing in tracking and scanning devices in the UK to improve existing delivery services. It is thought that postal delivery workers in the UK could offer similar services to those being developed by the Italians, and in a liberalised postal market, all postal operators are keen to look at ideas that would offer a commercial advantage as well as protecting the future of postal networks in a declining letters market. The Italians seem to be leading the way.

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