Same-Day Delivery and Delivering Value

Same-Day Delivery and Delivering Value

Ben Nowlan, CEO of OmniCX and co-founder of delivery start-up Sherpa, joins me to talk about fast delivery:

  • The background to setting up Sherpa’s fast delivery service
  • Interactive delivery management from a consumer perspective and from a merchant/delivery perspective
  • Communications between the delivery driver and the recipient
  • Are companies not trying to be customer-centric?
  • What’s the driver behind same-day delivery – customer demand or fear? Or is there a coherent strategy?
  • How can same-day delivery be successful? Ben shares key strategic points for offering same-day delivery.
  • Why carriers need to understand retailers
  • Cart values and fast delivery
  • Click and collect
  • Do customers really want products within an hour?
  • How product categories influence speed of delivery
  • In-store fulfilment
  • Data!

Listen to the podcast by clicking on the play button on the audio player above (may take a few seconds to load and start playing). You can also listen (and subscribe) to the podcast via Google Podcasts, iTunes, and Spotify.

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About The Author

Ian Kerr

Ian Kerr is the founder and host of the Postal Hub Podcast. He has presented at many prominent postal and delivery events, and has contributed articles to Post&Parcel, the Mail & Express Review as well as chapters in Reinventing the post (2013) and Exploring New Frontiers: Reshaping the postal industry (2018).




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