Measuring up to mail services – letter from TNT

From PRECISION MARKETING, January 15th, 2001
In a market that is becoming more and more commoditised, the
differentials between the various mail service providers will be
measured more by their value added services than by the fundamental
logistics of getting mail from A to B.

Service measurement will be evaluated according to the efficiency in
which we answer inbound calls, collect on time, process mail on time
and, of course, deliver on time.

Delivering a good service is about anticipating, identifying and
satisfying customers profitability. When we translate this into the
international direct mail arena, this means building a relationship
with your client that is clear and beneficial to both parties.

At TNT we believe that the only way to show a true appreciation of the
importance of our customers’ mail is to structure our company in such a
way that strict quality measures are adhered to in all parts of our

Competing on price alone is not a sustainable option in a market that
is still dominated by a small number of national carriers. A free
market is not simply about undercutting the price of your competitors.
If you undercut the price, you undercut the service. Short-term
strategies lead to long-term weaknesses and will destroy the
independent service providers who have the potential to lead the way in
raising the standard of mailing services across the board.

Adam Sherman
Managing director
TNT International Mail UK

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